How students can join a class using a Class Key
A teacher will provide the Class Key, which is a randomly generated word followed by three digits e.g. 'apple123'.
To add your Class Key to your account:
- Go to the Class Key screen in the navigation.
- Enter the Class Key into the Class key field
How teachers can set up and manage classes
Select the School classes screen to view and organise students at your school. Your students must already have been uploaded into the school using Cambridge GO’s User Management screen.
If you do not see School Classes, contact your school’s administrator for access.
View class details
- To view the teachers and students in an individual class, click the arrow to the left of the class name. To close this class list, click the arrow again.
- To print/save a class list with usernames and passwords, click on the Options menu to the right of the class name then select Print class.
- To print/save all class lists with usernames and passwords, click on the Options menu at the top of the Classes panel, then select Print all classes.
Creating or deleting classes
To add a new class:
- Click the Options menu to the right of the Classes heading.
- Select Create a class.
- Type in the new class name then click OK.
To remove a class:
- Click on the Options menu to the right of the class name.
- Select Delete class.
- All teachers and students in this class will remain in the school, but will no longer be grouped in the class.
To remove all classes:
- Click on the Options menu to the right of the heading Classes.
- Select Delete all classes.
- All teachers and students in these classes will remain in the school but will no longer be grouped into classes.
Transferring students or teachers from one class to another
To transfer a student from one class to another.
- In the Classes panel on the right-hand side, open the class the student is currently listed in, and select their name.
- Click on the green Add to class button next to the class you wish to add them to.
- The student or teacher will be moved from the old class and added to the class you have selected.
Adding students or teachers to an additional class
Students can join classes by entering the class key into their My Classes screen.
To add a student to a new class directly.
- Open the student or teacher panel on the left-hand side and select their name.
- Click the green plus button next to the class you wish to add them to.
Removing a student or teacher from a class
- Open the class the student or teacher is currently listed in and select their name.
- Click on the remove from class button on the right.
- Remove multiple students or teachers by holding down the Ctrl key (PC) or Option key (Mac) while selecting multiple names.
Remove a student or teacher from the school
Students and teachers cannot be removed from a school within the mathematics products School classes screen. This must be done through Cambridge GO. Please see the Cambridge GO instructions for removing users.