Cambridge GO allows you to trial products to evaluate them for your school. Only teachers can trial products.
The trial content will be added to your account for a short time period, usually 30 days.
You will be able to preview all content and functionality of the products so that you build an accurate picture of the product. There are two exceptions to this:
- Many of our teacher resources offer downloadable files which are excluded from trials
- Cambridge Lower Secondary Mathematics Stages 7-9 have advanced functionality which requires students to be grouped into classes. This functionality is not available during a trial.
Setting up a trial
1. First log into your Cambridge GO account. You may need to register first.
2. Trials are located on the resources screen.
3. You can browse for trial products by subject, curriculum and age range. When you add a trial to your account you will see that you are accessing different components which may have to be purchased separately.
4. Click Start trial and the content will be added to your Resource screen.
You can see long is left in your trial by looking at the expiry dates on the tabs.
What to do at the end of your trial
When your trial expires, you will no longer be able to access the content. You will be able to add the content to another trial in the way we describe above.
You will be able to purchase the component by contacting your Cambridge sales representative.