The Vocabulary multiple choice questions (MCQs) are found at the end of each Stage and are a useful tool to help students practice the vocabulary checklists independently.
Launching the Vocabulary activities
Icons for the activities appear next to the vocabulary checklist at the end of a Stage and can be
used to launch the activity.
Alternatively, you can browse and launch from the Media tab in the side menu.
Navigating the MCQs
In the activity you can select one answer from the three options listed. Once an answer is selected, a Check answers button appears. Click this to get instant feedback on whether you have selected the correct or incorrect option.
The top navigation bar shows you how far through the activity you are.
You can navigate through the activity using the Next and Previous buttons.
You can see your score at the end of the activity by clicking on the Send scores button.
An overall score is provided on a separate screen. You have the opportunity to review your answers. However, the score is not stored once the screen is closed.
There is no formal reporting for these activities. They focus on student practice.